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Sage’s Blog
I’ve always been a deep “feeler”. By that I mean that I experience emotions on a level that used to feel very overwhelming and debilitating.
It wasn’t until I began to understand (and then “use”) my emotions in a productive way that I realized how powerful they could be and writing has definitely helped me achieve this.
The ability to take the way we feel and articulate it into words is extremely cathartic for me. By no means do I have everything figured out, but my quest to master my Self is a journey I’m committed to… always.
This blog will be my space to try and find the right words to make sense of the complexities of the human experience.
Video Library
Comprehensive Video Library of tips, techniques, ques, exercises, thoughts, perspectives, adventures and much, much more!
I was once described as the Queen of Cues and not only will that title be on my tombstone, but it will also be a title I constantly strive to uphold.
With that being said, I spend 90% of my day thinking of all the different ways I can explain and break down the Olympic lifts.
These videos are a compilation of my “oh my gosh, this is how I should explain (insert common Olympic lifting technical error here)!” or “I love this lifting complex and think everyone should do it!” moments. I do not guarantee video quality, but I do guarantee quality of content.
Nutrition Plan
It is no secret that discussing nutrition is similar to discussing religion or politics…Aka UNCOMFORTABLE! And when it comes to nutrition, there’s a ton of ways to skin a cat, but you can’t deny the magic of consistency.
I believe the approach to nutrition should be simple and sustainable. We want progressive, long term change, not a quick fix that feels unattainable and/or unsustainable.
With that in mind, I have designed a simple, bullet proof one week meal plan that can be easily tweaked to fit your specific performance needs or follow as is and enjoy the simplicity of a quality, whole food approach to wellness and performance.